Friday, June 16, 2023

India in the Multipolar World (Quote of the Week)

 "Quote of the Week" is leisure reading in the assignment reminder email to my students.


"The relationship is therefore a test case for the messy alliance of democracies emerging in a multipolar world."

Joe Biden and Narendra Modi are drawing their countries closer

Leaders: The Economist. Jun 15th 2023


India is set to play a critical role in shaping the world's multipolar future. Its large population, high-standard higher education system, and abundance of English speakers mean it will significantly impact the global economy. However, India's values do not perfectly align with Western ones. While it is a democratic nation, some describe it as an "illiberal" democracy, as the article above does.

India's relationship with the United States will probably have far-reaching effects on global politics, as the article indicates, for it may establish stronger connections with Russia or China, if it fails.

Simultaneously, Indian English is becoming more prominent in English language teaching. We're moving past the times when it was okay to make fun of its accent. Meet an intelligent Indian English speaker below.

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