Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hannah Arendt's major works


The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)
A radical criticism of Stalinist Communism and Nazism.
The German text
The English text
The Japanese translation

The Human Condition (1958)
See below.

Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963)
Arendt saw in Adolf Eichman, "the architect of the Holocaust", not a monster, but inability to think and judge by himself. "Banality of evil" was what she ironically found in one of the most terrible human disasters.
The German text
The English text
The Japanese translation

On Revolution (1963)
She regarded the American revolution as a success, the French revolution as a failure. She thought the former was a political, the latter a social revolution. In her view, “revolutions are the only political events which confront us directly and inevitably with the problem of beginning.” (p. 21) Hence, a revolution should be political, not social. (The meaning of "society" is explored in The Human Condition.)
The German text
The English text
The Japanese translation

The Life of the Mind (1978)
This book should be read together with The Human Condition. Thinking, willing, and judging, or Vita Contemplativa, are important aspects of human life as well as Vita Activa.
The German text
The English text
The Japanese translation currently out of print

The Promise of Politics (2005) / Was ist Politik? (1993)
Arendt thought of politics as a matter of plurality. In her analysis, Western philosophy was mostly about "Man" in the singular form. Therefore, she thought philosophy was unfit for politics which is about men or persons in the plural.
The German text
The English text
The Japanese translation of the English text

Denktagebuch. Bd. 1: 1950-1973. Bd. 2: 1973-1975.
Arendt's thoughts are written down succinctly.
The German text
The Japanese translation
The English translation is not published yet.

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