Friday, July 14, 2023

Growth Mindset Plus Healthy Life Habits and Step-by-step Training (Quote of the Week)

   "Quote of the Week" is leisure reading in the assignment reminder email to my students.


"Believing you're incapable or clumsy can create a self-fulfilling prophecy that leads people to disengage. To reframe these beliefs, think of your abilities as an experience rather than an identity."

Uncoordinated? You Can Still Be an Athlete.

By Jenny Marder

July 6, 2023


The article above presents an encouraging proposition that clumsy individuals have the potential to enhance their motor skills. Drawing parallels with stroke patients who can relearn to walk despite significant neuronal damage, the article proposes that clumsy people can undoubtedly improve their bodily coordination. However, this transformation should ideally follow three steps: adopting a new mindset, nurturing a healthy lifestyle, and following precise instructions.

First, the article encourages a critical shift in mindset. While it does not explicitly mention the terminology, the article essentially discusses changing from a 'fixed mindset' - the belief that one's capabilities are innate and unchangeable, to a 'growth mindset' - the view that one can evolve through experiential learning (see this video for a brief explanation of the two concepts). The latter perspective views failures as stepping stones toward improvement. Thus, the first step involves emancipating oneself from the self-imposed belief that one cannot change. Apparently, altering long-held fixed beliefs may be challenging, but the subsequent steps can facilitate the transition toward a growth mindset.

The second component of this skill acquisition pertains to fostering a healthy lifestyle, particularly sound sleep and mental tranquility. Quality sleep and a serene mind are pivotal to motor coordination, as confirmed by numerous world-class athletes who disclose their techniques for rest and mental calm. Though a healthy lifestyle may appear blatantly obvious as a secret to success, its importance cannot be overstated.

Finally, the article advises an analytical approach. To master a skill, one needs explicit, step-by-step instructions. When detailed guidance is unavailable, one should actively observe, reflect, and discover the specifics of the skill. Unlike natural-born athletes, ordinary people cannot instantly mimic a complex feat. Analytical breakdown of the skill components is crucial for successful mastery.

Extending beyond the scope of the original article, I believe that the synergy of these three elements equally applies to cognitive development. After all, without self-confidence, how can one even start to act? When one is exhausted or stressed, efforts are likely to be wasted. When flying to the mountaintop is impossible, the rational strategy is to discover a feasible route and ascend, one step at a time. While these lessons might lack initial appeal at first glance, one's self-belief, self-care, and analytical approach to learning are crucial determinants of a fulfilled life.

[Written with ChatGPT]

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